Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's what I thought. :BangHead:
Really hate seeing good money spent dragging cars around that should have been getting done. I was so glad mine worked out the way it did. Never could have happened without a lot of help though. Mostly Ray @halifaxhops letting me use his shop and helping. Also @rod7515 loaning his trailer and another friend dragging it back and forth. I sprayed it, so the entire job was a little more than the cost of the paint. Which was shopline PPG stuff, so not expensive at all. Is it perfect? Hell no, far from it. But if I had not pushed forward when I did, it might still be in primer.
Your car looks OK to me. Not perfect but respectable. Paint and body work is a scam IMO. It goes in, never comes out...NOT without refinancing the house to pay for it! AND waiting years longer then told up front...