I’ve spent the last 3 to 5 days completely tearing apart, cleaning, painting and reinstalling the front end of my 65 Dart. All new bushings, new ball joints, new tie rod ends, and strut bushings. I really hope I don’t have to do that again for a long time. I learned a lot. Got a kit from Harbor freight to extract and reinstall bushings. Surprisingly the upper ball joints came out easily. The most difficult part was getting the outer Metal casing of the lower control arm pin bushing out. Ended up using a Dremel with a carbide Roto zip bits to cut a groove in it and then bang it out. I tried welding the washer on and that didn’t work. Also try to chisel and that was a pain in the ***. Now to lower it and try to do an alignment. Ultimately I’ll probably take it somewhere to get it professionally done.