Maybe this will wake everyone up about isolating.

Here is what I think. COMMON SENSE! It is a fine balance. On the one hand, we do need to be responsible and try to help curb the infection rate and flatten the curve. I am totally on board with social distancing, staying home and temporarily limiting trips to the store, etc. However, how far do you want to take it? Before the haters gripe about what comes next, read it all. I am not saying the virus is not a problem. We just can't shut down the entire country and stay in the house for the next year. When you go to the store, do you set up a temporary workbench in the garage to unload the groceries on? Do you sterilize every can, box and bag with a Clorox/water solution before they go into the house? Do you sterilize the car's inner and outer door handles, steering wheel, and shift selector? After all, your hands did touch a lot of things in the store? Do you Sterilize your produce? If you have groceries delivered, you have no idea who has touched it. Same thing with restaurant drive through windows. That being said, I am taking precautions, because I have a depressed immune system. I AM taking it seriously. On the other hand, we cannot stay under a shutdown forever (or until a vaccine is available). I have an MBA and I do understand the financial repercussions on extended lockdowns. People CANNOT expect the federal government to continue going deeper and deeper into debt to continue propping the economy up. The economy CAN open back up if it is done with care and caution. Maintain social distancing, do not simply go full blast back to business as normal. There is also a thing called herd immunity. As more people get and recover from the virus, and develop an immunity, the virus will have trouble spreading among us. It is a real thing; look it up. Another problem we have is the spreading of false death data. There are a lot of deaths being reported as Covid 19 that are not. Let's say you have congestive heart failure and the doctor gave you a month to live 3 months ago. You have a massive heart attack and die, but the cause of death is listed as Covid 19. Even if a post mortem test revealed positive for Covid 19, that was not the cause of death. Turns out hospitals are financially motivated to list Covid 19 as cause of death. Granted even 40,000 deaths is terrible, but when the reported death rate is 57,000, how many are really Covid 19? I think most people are smart enough to move into an economic opening with an understanding of the necessary steps required to do it safely. We have already lost thousands, if not tens of thousands of small businesses forever. We need to open back up.