Maybe this will wake everyone up about isolating.

fear-mongering, is all it is was and will be.
Stay inside out of the sun, and your skin fails to make vitamin D; the principle flu-fighter, together with vitamin C and I heard zinc.
Watch TV and and get the fear of death preached at you from morning til night.
Stay at home and your body does not make anti-bodies for it. And the next mutated form kills more, and the next strain kills yet more.
So stay at home, and prepare your body for failure.
If you don't make antibodies for this one, getaload of what the next one will do.

So I I have changed my life not one bit, tempting covid to attack me, so I can crush it, and come back here and tell you all about it.
So far no luck. It's either hiding from me, or my guardian angel is doing his job, or I am blessed with an extremely powerful immune system, or it's just not here. I will not be afraid. Not of covid, and not of the next evil bug that follows it.
Two more weeks have gone by and another 9000 pounds of household crap have I chucked,as the town garbage-collector. And the meet and greet continues in the streets, just as it always has.