Maybe this will wake everyone up about isolating.

I am fairly sure this virus was making the rounds in Georgia in january and February,and I believe I had it in February, although mine was a mild case and there was no testing available at that time. But even though it was a mild case it was still bad. I had stomach pain, dizziness, a bad cough, no energy, chest pain around my heart, and a mild fever. The chest pain was what scared me, I have never had that with the flu. My doctor insisted it was just allergies and prescribed claritan d and Nasonex. A week later I was still sick and she prescribed a z pac for me, which did help but did not cure it. I think that was what got me over the hump, and after that it just took time. I did listen to the doctors that advised us to get sunshine, take vitamins especially c, elderberry, and vitamin b, plus place hot wash cloths on my heart area, and I did drink warm drinks like tea, and I avoided cold drinks. I think I had the one of the milder versions of the virus, and there are two more versions of the virus. Be careful folks, and take precautions.