Maybe this will wake everyone up about isolating.

The thing is that there are at least 3 strains of this virus, and you have no control over what you have been exposed to. The other problem is that there is an incubation period of 2-14 days, during which you may show no symptoms. When you think about that and that you can be around hundreds of people during that time, you realize how many can be affected and spreading it without knowing. As I am writing his my daughter that is a nurse has been exposed to 2 positive cases, and she has developed a sore throat. They know she has strep, but they also tested her for Covid-19. She is in quarantine for two weeks, and her test results are due later in the week. The hospital she works in is slammed with Covid-19 cases, and they have been doing without a lot of supplies. People can treat this like its not serious, but I assure you it is very serious. Take it serious folks, and be proactive. The life you save can be your own, or it could be anyone else including your loved ones. God Bless You All, And Stay Safe. Things will get better but we must help one another, and we need to take precautions to protect others. Mike