Maybe this will wake everyone up about isolating.

Thanks for not observing the rules AJ and putting everyone around you in jeopody. Brilliant!!!
You poked the bear, Mark; here it comes;
You have your beliefs, and I have mine.
I am fearfully and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of AlmightyGod, YHWH is His name.
I believe in the Risen Son, and His atoning blood.
My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
Covid is an invention of evil , and falls into the category of sickness, disease and infirmity; ALL of which Jesus took upon himself on the cross, so I wouldn't have to.
It also falls into the category of a "disease of the Gentiles" to which, as an adoptee into the family of Abraham, I am immune.
What affinity hath evil with good; light with darkness? The Holy Spirit cannot exist in me simultaneously with deception. I have to choose, And I choose LIFE ever after.

To cower in my house, is to reject my Faith.
To reject my Faith is to open myself up to satan's deceptions. It could even happen that I compromise my Salvation. I will not do that, not for a pos, tiny,tiny thing like covid.
Jesus healed the lame, cured the sick, resurrected the dead; and before he left, he said to His disciples; "greater works than these will you do".
I am a disciple.
To me covid is nothing; less than nothing. Even if it attacks me, I will crush it, in the name and power of the Son of GodAlmighty, who took all my diseases to the Cross. If I don't, then the Son suffered in vain for me.

Put yourself in Jesus's place. Pretend you are He and your child is sick. As Jesus, you went to the cross and simultaneously suffered every disease of the world for something like 6 hours, so that your child would not have to. But you cannot heal your child unless he asks you to. So you stand there and watch your child die. Now, what if your child knew you could heal him, but the child never asked.
Imagine how you might feel.
I will not make my Savior feel that way on my account.

For me, when sickness, disease, or infirmity, comes to me, as it occasionally does, I look at it as an opportunity for God to show me His Power. I cannot see GodAlmighty, but I can sure see His handiwork. Nothing is too much for the creator of all living things, the Father of Spirits, and the One who declared the End from the Beginning.