Anyone planning on going to the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals
Chrysler's @ Carlisle has become THE # 1 MOPAR
Event in the Universe.
2800 + cars in the show, sold out huge swap meet,
giant car corral , and cars for sale all throughout the swap meet area, burn out contest, Daisy dukes contest, seminars, guest appearances, famous autographed signings, and a whoooooooole lot more.
A must be there event -- even without your car -- come new and modern, that is okay......
Sadly, the Mopar Nationals in Columbus / Hebron, Ohio has shrunk, shrunk, and shrunk some more,
Where it is a sad little over priced show...
I was there 21 years in a row, and watched it slide from the best Mopar event -- to a little postage stamp of a show....
If you want to go to both --- GO !!!!!!
But, if you are only going to do one ---- GO to Carlisle....