Porting small block 915 j-heads

Will post some more.
Btw that last pic IS a finished port.
For those watching...I did initial port work, sent them off for a valve job, did not approve of said valve job...testing even showed...so i took them to my other guy who did it right. Tested them again with big improvements to all but with some needing attention with air speed issues. I widened up the area between the guide and head bolt some more on those with the low head bolt pad and thinned the push rod hole a lil more, which did help. I also exploited the cast in swail just a hair, to help speed the common wall side of the turn, equalize the middle more..as well as a angled lip where the turn comes off the common wall. Hard to explain and odd sounding I'm sure.

Thanks for answering to begin with.

Are all these pictures from the tall head bolt port?

Beginned grinding in the low head bolt port. Scared as hell taking away too much going through.
Still have a small small pocket behind the roof bump. Tried to measure the material thats left and its about 0,16".
If going through are the heads shot or is it possible to fix this ?
Think I have read somewhere its fixable in some way.
Can they crack when torquing the head bolt if there is too little material left ?


I guess this is where you meen where the water is


But the short turn isnt supposed to be touched or ?? Maybe a hair ??

Is this bump in the floor also to be processed ??
