Wreck almost 10 years ago
This doesn't involve a wreck, but very easily could have.
On a Grudge Nite at Atco several years ago, a young guy left the line in his beautiful 427, 4 spd, 67 Chevelle. Running street tires, and without a hope of finding traction, and no apparent desire to find traction, he was in 4th gear probably before the 330' mark, spinning furiously. It began to spin out, and with the wheel speed he had generated, he didn't stand a chance of correcting it. Luckily, the car in the other lane was long gone, and the Chevelle managed to miss the wall.
Anyhow, all this reminds me of when someone in a 17 second car is ridiculed for having a bar or cage. Well, when you're approaching the stripe at a scalding 78 mph, the car in the other lane could go by at 160. If he loses it and hits you, that cage will prove to be a good investment.
Be safe, y'all!