Porting small block 915 j-heads

moral of the story - go easy - do not go for every millimeter of metal removal. I installed guides for 11/32" valves, but I think the o d is 1/2", if it broke thru a little, when new guide is pressed in would it leak with 10 pounds water pressure? I doubt it

It´s not gonna be a racecar more "hot" street. Gonna build a 318 first Later will be a 2,02" upgrade for a bigger cui

If you installed 2.055 or 2.08 valves, and were trying to have the bowl be “appropriately” sized for the valve....... you’re probably playing with fire in terms of finding water....... and not necessarily at the short turn.

I´m going for 1,94" and 1,625" + ,100" 11/32 stems