Need wiring harness for EFI Magnum

Hey guys,

I'm swapping a 1994 5.9 into my 71 Dart and I'll be using the factory EFI. I noticed my engine wiring harness is hacked up and the connector is a bit crispy. I like my fried chicken to be crispy, not my wiring, so I'm going to replace the harness.

I see that Year One has HU203A, which is for points ignition: 1966-74 A B E-Body Engine Harness 1971 Plymouth Dodge A B...

And they have HU230A for electronic ignition: 1966-74 A B E-Body Engine Harness 1971 Plymouth Dodge A B...

Given that I'll be using the factory EFI, which of these harnesses would make the most sense for me to buy?