Need wiring harness for EFI Magnum

Hey guys,

I'm swapping a 1994 5.9 into my 71 Dart and I'll be using the factory EFI. I noticed my engine wiring harness is hacked up and the connector is a bit crispy. I like my fried chicken to be crispy, not my wiring, so I'm going to replace the harness.

I see that Year One has HU203A, which is for points ignition: 1966-74 A B E-Body Engine Harness 1971 Plymouth Dodge A B...

And they have HU230A for electronic ignition: 1966-74 A B E-Body Engine Harness 1971 Plymouth Dodge A B...

Given that I'll be using the factory EFI, which of these harnesses would make the most sense for me to buy?

Get which ever one is cheaper, as you won't be using most of the connections. The Hotrod harness I bought from Hotwire Electric hooked up with 4 wires. The large cable from the alternator to the battery I made myself. The gauge wires are about the only thing you will use on the factory harness.

Isn't '94 an OBD1 system? Why not upgrade to OBD2 while you are at this stage?