How to install a Hurst Pro-Matic 2 Ratchet Shifter

I bought it used it didn’t come with any. I did just find a pdf file online.

I can tell you it's a pain in the backside getting the nuts for the bracket bolts on from under the car and VERY close to the trans case.:D

A B&M H.D. 3 ft. shifter cable is also a good investment for these setups, too.

Absolutely the best thing I ever did with the Hurst Promatic.
A 2mm OD ring needs to be made for the eyelet on the shifter end of the cable because the pin eye on the B&M cable is larger, but other than that they are exactly the same setup and work WAY better than the Hurst 5 foot cable that's hard to keep clear of exhaust.
PLUS instead of running the 5 foot cable everywhere trying to find decent routing, the 36 inch cable basically just makes a half circle from the shifter to the trans staying behind the intersection point of the trans bell housing and engine block.

This is the one I used and love it.
B&M Super Duty Race Shifter Cables 81831