Bench Seat Replaced with buckets. Brackets/supports needed?

IMG_20200509_200938.jpg IMG_20200509_200947.jpg IMG_20200509_200858.jpg IMG_20200509_200923.jpg Hoping someone has some information or pictures?
My 68 Barracuda originally came with a bench seat, one of the previous owners replaced it with buckets. On the drivers side, the rear right bolt seems to have broken (for lack of a better word) the floorboard. I took some pictuers from above and underneath. It looks as though the floorboard actually cracked or split right under the rear bolt. I am wondering if the bucket seats had extra supports on the floorboards? The floorboard in this area has no real visible rust. Seems like even if I weld it, it might just split again.
Thanks. IMG_20200509_200938.jpg IMG_20200509_200947.jpg IMG_20200509_200947.jpg IMG_20200509_200938.jpg IMG_20200509_200947.jpg