Oil leak behind the cam

I think I can reach far enough to engage the drill motor and turn the crank at the same time.
This is missing the point. If you turn the crank while priming, you will not ever see the oil to the rockers. In a non-running setup, it takes that 20-30 seconds to see the oil when the crank is stopped in the right location(s). Stopping the crank in fixed spots is not for convenience; it is to have any chance of seeing the oil coming out of the rockers.

70aarcuda has given you the shortcut in post #34. If the cam it drilled with the correct indexing, then this will save you time in finding the right spots. In a very few cases, however, the cam's oiling holes are indexed incorrectly. So then you turn 15* at a time and prime....and keep doing it over and over.