here's one i hadnt seen before
That would be MPC. They are tied neck n neck with AMT for the worst kits around . Monogram I thought was the best. MPC always had shitty drippy chrome. I was always disappointed with their models. As a kid I would get suckered in by the box art.
I’m probably one of the oldest model car builders in this discussion. My introduction to plastic real scale model cars was in the early 50’s when my dad, about 30 years old at the time, got a box with two 1/25 scale Cars. One was a ‘49-‘51 Studebaker coupe. I was astonished at the accuracy of scale that the model StudBeaker displayed. I was smitten (well, in love) with models in general. In following years I drooled over promo model cars and couldn’t ever get one. At about 11 or 12 I won a white ‘53 corvette promo. Wish I still had it but the amt repro cars are far better.
Anyhow, in December, ‘58, I got a ‘58 Edsel hardtop Customizing kit that started my customizing. There were revell car kits but the earlier revell kits were hard to assemble by a ten-year-old. At that point I didn’t like revell kits. The last few years I find revell to be quite good.
JoHan promos were as good as amt from my perspective at the time. Kits too actually, in my ten-twelve years of life. Later in the ‘50’s to early 60’s Some kits were labeled smp and seemed that packaging and artwork We’re identical to amt. Then came mpc kits that seemed a lot like amt.
Earlier monogram car bodies weren’t all that great to me. Bodies not quite shaped right to my eyes.
Some of those were sometimes 1/24 scale as I recall. I’ve only had one or two monograms.
I built kits through high school college and the air force. Now and then I consider building more but my damned fingers are getting thick and calloused from age and my 1/1 scale ‘60’s cars.
I couldn’t tell much about the Quality new kits but I have “accidentally” received a few so someday I’ll dive in.