CRT Valve Body

So unlike Summit who said I would have my valve body in a few days and then after 2 months it STILL didn't ship. So I call CRT and talked to John Cope, he had my valve body shipped to me in 3 days! It was a great experience overall. This valve body has the low band apply and it's made in USA as well. The cost was about the same as Summit and it was good to deal with the little guy instead of the big corporation. Here's a few pictures, notice the hand written thank you from John on the box.IMG_20200515_183008820_copy_2000x1500.jpg IMG_20200515_183328460_copy_2000x1500.jpg IMG_20200515_183338163_copy_2000x1500.jpg IMG_20200515_183506162_copy_2000x1500.jpg
