Speaker Wire Question...

Next time you see a phone guy, as him for 30 feet of 1 pair drop cable. Probably reel it right off the truck for you for a smile and a car story, I know I would. I throw away 100 feet a week of that old stuff as we only install 2 pair or more now. ITs pretty stiff but can be bent to suit. IIRC the Kenwood harness wires should be 22 for the speakers and maybe 18 for power and ground. Lamp cord is cheap and flexible but is hard to run under a carpet or sill without a bump. I believe the 22 is adequate for 4ohm speakers off the head for runs under 20 feet. Use what you got if its 22 or lower.

Geez buddy I can't remember the last time I saw a phone guy---at least a truck. Most the cable type guys around this town (Spectrum) are independent contractors "I think." Down around Ritzville/ Othello WA when I was doin E911 work (for Motorola) there was actually a telco company down there called 'POTS'

(Plain Old Telephone Service for the guys who don't know)