My Dart Swinger Project!

Today's progress.
I got the wiper pivots reinstalled with new grease and gaskets and new bushings on all the linkages. That was a major pain in the butt. I think that was the maddest iv gotten while working on this project so far. Omg the bushing!!! EFF THEM BUSHINGS! I bought brand new one idk if it was the brand or something but they are hard as rocks not pliable at all. I started by putting them on the posts first but then I couldnt get the link over it so I took them off and put them in the linkage first but them I couldn't get them in over the posts. I ended up chunking them in a vice and pressing them in. But the top one on the left that goes to the right side I had to take loose because I couldnt fish the right side in with them connected :BangHead: so I put the left side in with the link that goes to the motor and the right side with the link that goes to the left and after I bolted them down pressed them in with vice grips. It was a pita. It took me most of the day to accomplish that one task lol. However I did clean up the rear door panels and the dash bezels and I painted the glovebox door. I have to restore the bezels that should be fun. I cant wait to get that done its gonna look great. And I also worked on the steering column some more its starting to look like a manual column now. Still have some more work to do on it but its getting there









