1970 Duster AlterKtion, 4 Link, LS/T56/Turbo and Minitub
The hyper pistons in an LS are tough but brittle as glass. If you stick a ring they will break. You've already seen this. I like to know for sure that I’ll never butt the top ring. So I go larger than most people are comfortable with and am willing to give up what little cylinder pressure (if any) I give up to get that reassurance. And I go a little larger on the second to keep from loading the bottom of the top ring and loosing ring seal, knowing my crankcase evac system can deal with it. It’s not rocket science but it is worth doing. The difference in cylinder pressure between 024 gap and 030 gap is negligible and probably not measurable and I know a ring ain’t gonna butt at 030 but I don’t know that at 024. Some guys disagree and I’m ok with that but I snapped a ring land on an expensive big block Chevy and I payed the bill, and won’t do it again.