Sun MDT distributor tester

Ok I hooked up a nearly dead 6 volt battery and the gauge lights all light. The vacuum pump seems to be trying. The dwell meter is inop. I do not have a square tool to tighten the dist. gear so I am assuming that is why the RPM is bouncing a bit and the arrows with the strobe are walking around the circle. The volt gauge is reading 6 volts but I did not put a digital volt meter on the battery.

Not sure what the size is on a Sun machine but you can buy about any square size stock at any decent hardware store. And a wooden handle of some sort and that’s your tool to snug down the distributor.

Also, I’m not sure why the 6 bolt battery. If you can use a 12 volt I would. That’s what I use.

Also not sure why you can’t use the battery to run a aftermarket tach so you can test higher than 5000 RPM. You’d be surprised what you’ll find. Also, if you do the 12 volt battery, you can hook up any ignition system and bench test it.

Unless the Sun is that much different than the Allen.