Tranny explosion

D70A97C5-18FA-44E6-8A8F-FDA20966DB36.jpeg 2018B325-9F86-41B7-BA88-D63F5A842EAD.jpeg 4FB2739D-C894-4553-ABB9-04DA7018CE3A.jpeg I saw this on Classracer, a tranny explosion at Numidia today. This is why, as much as a pain in the a$$ they are, you need to run a blanket or shield. I don’t know if this car had one, but I doubt it. I have no idea how fast this car is, my guess it’s just above the 10.99 e.t. that requires one. Most likely a 727. I could be wrong, but I don’t think 904’s explode like that.