Slant 6 No Spark

Right. Back to the first question you asked. Yes the coil and or the ECU could have been damaged whenever the VR points stuck. Possibly the ballast resistor. With an electronic ECU the resistor is needed for power during start.
Measure the coil primary resistance. Should be around 1.5 to 2 Ohms. If its open, the the coil is burned out.
Measure the ballast resistor (cause its easy). Should be .5 ohms or a little more is OK.
ECU I can't think of a quick and easy cheack off the top of my head. Eliminate the other possibilites first. Then if not, try another ECU.

Thank you so much. I'll check all of this. I'll replace any of the bad components and if both the coil and Ballast resistor are fine then I'll change out the ECU. Again thank you. this is just the info i needed.