I swear...

I hereby swear I will never buy a Procomp (now speedmaster) product again.

Awhile back I bought a 2 stage rev limiter from them that had two dials for liminting hi/lo RPM's
They sent me a rev limiter that took chips, so I contacted them and they said they sent the exact part number I ordered.

Well. I looked it up again and sure enough the one they sent had the same part number as the one I ordered.
Problem was, the one I ordered had dials instead of chips (that were sold separately) so I sent them the picture of the one I actually ordered along with it's description right off their website that said "NO expensive pills,just dial the prefered RPM's"

They sent back a reply saying that they don't and never did have one with dials even though it clearly showed dials and even went into detail about them on their website.
Needless to say I was a bit annoyed, but they said to try and make it up to me they would send every chip available at no extra charge, so they did and I kept it.

Now to today.
I decided to give it a try in the car this morning and got it out.
I fugured I would start with the lowest RPM chips and make sure everything worked right before moving up to the 6k chips.

Guess what?
The chips don't even fit the unit.
The legs on the chips are closer together than the sockets.

F*** Speedmaster for good and forever.
Well you know how it is, when it comes to business. They are always right and you are always wrong! Just keep spending money and be quite is their ideology!