Worth pulling /6 to "freshen up"?

invert head and take a CD and vaseline the fire ring of the chamber and lay the CD on top, its hole as far from an edge as possible. Now fill it with alcohol from a medicine dropper that has graduations on it. Make sure the head is completely level. Count how many CC's go in before the alcohol starts to fill the spindle hole. this will give you a pretty good estimation of cc size of chamber. You can use water too but alcohol has less of a meniscus (curved area of fluid in a test tube or similar). Youll find your head CC is grossly more than spec's in manuals. If you got the head off, Id look into milling it as perscribed, up to .100 but watch for retaining pushrods adjustablilty, there must be a limit on how much you can mill without going to a shorter pushrod? Good news on the seats being good.

Tractor Supply Syringe is a cheap and ez way to measure the fluid


a 5 x 5 piece of plexiglass with a 1/8 inch hole drilled into it is a functional and accurate cover plate. Install a spark plug to block that hole, use vasoline as mentioned above. I set the head with either the spark plug side down or the manifold face down, with the drilled hole at the very top of the chamber inject the fluid, I use water with a bit of food coloring, till the combustion chamber is full,,,,

oh yea,, an uncut stock slant six head combustion chamber will be around 58 cc's
some are a little smaller, some a little bigger,,,,,