I've seen A LOT of posts about making HP with a 318-So why is it so ???

2 reasons. One it's in the same boat as a Chebby 307.... It was categorized as a upscale from the Leaning tower of power. The 3 numbers just don't add to to the average hotrod enthusiast.

Secondly, if your gonna go through the trouble of building a motor and it not a 340 based motor, 360 is just the natural selection. Same work, same money, more return.

Seeing how I got a stock longblock V6 in a buick in the mid 11's there could be an easy argument that a bone stock 318 with no more than a force inducted camshaft could give you that number and more with probably atleast the same reliability. But the money will be spent getting boost and all things related to that in a somewhat efficient manner. So to the wallet it once again doesn't make sense. I have thrown more than my share of 318's into the recycler over the years and never gave it a second thought....