Can burnouts structurally weaken tires??

So on the way to work this morning 6/4, everything was normal and I get on the highway ready for my 45 minute commute, coffee just right and everything seemed nice in the beauty of the very early morning.

I turned into the highway and got up to 65 mph and I come up on a Toyota so off course I have to pass it so I'm not staring at a piece of **** when I have my coffee and snack.

I get in front of the toyota about 10 car lengths because I blasted by it and now I'm at about 78 mph in a 65 zone.

Out of nowhere it sounds like a gun blast and I see smoke and debris flying behind the car and I feel the tire is gone and hear the noises and mayhem.

I ease off and get off the road, still went a ways up the road to slow down safely and all.

Get to the side of the road and get out to confirm the tire blew.

I was a little confused because these are newer tires. Dated late 2017 and I bought them in Jan of 18, even have the paperwork on them. So I didn't expect this at all.

So I changed the tire and of course a few gentlemen stopped to see if I needed help but I really didn't because I have a routine. I appreciate the gesture but I had it under control.

Later in the day it hit me that last week I barked this tire pretty good in a glorious peg leg burnout with a 225 slant six in a 68 dart. I left about 4 car lengths of black mark and a decent amount of smoke.

Now I'm wondering If a really amazing burnout can weaken the sidewalls.

If a burnout caused this, then I better knock it off.


