Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Well today was productive as well. Touched up a few spots of paint on the top/front bar of the cage up near the rear view mirror. Missed it before because I didn't have a small enough brush.
Got the wiring done for the trans cooler fan.

Pulled the fuel pressure regualtor off. Tightened up the hose ends and painted that short part of the cage there that I couldn't get to with it hardmlunted before.

Pulled the ignition wire connection back through the firewall and reconnected inside the car versus going through the ancient bulkhead connector on the firewall. Tapped it into the fuel pump controller wire as well. Seam sealed under the flooor pan and got it tightened up. Noticed 2 small gaps i missed around the cage bars as they pass through the firewall. So I filled those up for good now.

Marked the two holes that need to be drilled for the coolant hoses in the rewr trunk as well so tomorrow I can make quick work connecting the two hoses to the ice box and pump.

My two 4an hose ends should be here tomorrow to wrap up the oil feed lines for the turbos. Then its time to double check all the fuel likes from the fuel filter back and add some gasoline and connect the battery snd she ought to fire up. Fingers crossed.