Extent Or Your Cars Weight Reduction
Only drive it in below 40 degree winter weather rarely, to work at that. Just wear a warm jacket maybe gloves!! Upgrades will be The trick flows, 1/2 point up in compression via heads and thin gaskets (to approx 10.25) Lunati
[email protected]”/.620”ish lift solid, M1 single, 9.5” converter, other minor incidentals. At 11.8+@112 on a good day, need more runs to verify that it can run that consistently, otherwise I’d say 12 flats for sure, with the weight I’m losing I should theoretically drop a tenth or two, maybe a little more as weight has a bigger effect on the van vs most normal vehicles. Late 2018 when I ran 7.85’s in the 1/8 consistently my 150 lb son took a run with me down the track and the et was 8.07 with same launch etc so I’m thinking I should see some good gains at this point.