Extent Or Your Cars Weight Reduction

Pull the window regulators and make seat belt straps to hold the glass up. Its like 12 pounds per door.

Only down side is no adjusting the window while driving. Gotta pull over for that.

Remove the under coat, i hear its almost 100 pounds but i never weighed it.

Remove carpet.

Wipers, linkage, motor= garbage. Do you drive in the pouring rain? I dont.

On a van i would toss the rear bumper and make a roll pan. Heck id toss the front bumper also.
When I started all this Hot rodding and drag race stuff I said “Oh we’re going to keep the whole thing as is aside from the drive train”.....Slowly but surely it is morphing into keeping bare necessities, maintaining a fully functioning street ride yet having a serious drag van. I’m not really a fan of no bumpers on these vans. If I could find them or have them made I’d like some lightweight split bumpers of some sort. Bumpers on these vans are pretty much worthless in an impact they are purely for aesthetics. But there definitely is a lot that can be reduced on this thing it just depends on how far one wants to go, not ruling out anything for now. A few steps at a time