Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just flushed the evaporator and all the hoses, and put a new compressor and condenser, and all new seals on an 03 Accord. Pulled a vacuum on it for 90 mins. Now checking to see if vacuum holds... 30 mins ...all good. Will drop in R134 and start up system, as soon as my VN Girlfriend goes to sleep....:thumbsup:
I got away without tearing the dash apart to get to the expansion valve. Was able to flush through the expansion valve, into the evaporator from the engine bay. Did flush all the A/C lines. Replaced the compressor, filter drier, and condenser, since it had a huge bend in it , where a rock must have hit it. Vacuumed it all down, waited to see if lost vacuum, No. Charged with R134a... ICE COLD NOW !!!!! Come and get it, please.......Bring Money.....