New 408 build finally started

BA8274EF-EB7C-4430-932F-67B5F978F3E7.jpeg 642D7009-610C-46F1-95BE-9D82CEBE888B.jpeg Ok finally some forward progress. I know a few members (yellow rose) and others were interested in using W2 (.750 offset) or other offsets to their Edelbrock or Speedmaster heads. My advice from someone traveling this road don’t go crazy as it’s not an easy road traveled. Going backwards if I remember right you can go slightly over 1.010 kissing a bronze tubed hole. I’m at 1.300 with a solid aluminum rod and relocated pushrod holes. Without a mill using a drill press like I did is rough. The first hole I did was covered earlier drilling into the port and having me reweld the hole and order another set of custom 1.6 Harland Sharp rockers and moving it over. The first set were .350 and the second set was .550 offset. The second hole I drilled grabbed the tube as it broke through and ripped the epoxy lose. F me and I stopped working on them for two plus weeks. Me and my great ideas.