
How many people in how many different cultures have markings of some kind? Whether tribal or otherwise? Does that make their women whores? Does that somehow make them "less valuable"? A "lower" form? In some cultures, the more markings, the more respect is given. I think it's all in how you look at it. Before I got mine, getting a tattoo was the farthest thing away from my mind. Not that I had anything against it. I had a good friend and member of this forum slip away right before my eyes and nothing I could do to help him. I remember he called the night all his hair fell out from chemo. "Rob, I have a friend whose a tattoo artist. I've always wanted a tattoo of a spider in a web on my head. I'm buying. You gonna get one with me?" I couldn't get "HELL YEAH" outta my mouth quick enough......but the following week, he was gone. Although I didn't get it on my head, lol I sure as hell got it on my elbow and I'm glad I did. Somebody doesn't like it? They can piss off.