Carlisle info

Pittsburgracer do you watch WWE? Because if u do ibet the undertaker is your favorite! Lol and yes I agree about caring about other people, but this has gotten way out of hand in. My opinion

Sorry no WWE for me. Not even sure that what that stands for. And yes these masks are getting old real fast. I went to have a cortisone shot in both knees today and had my temperature taking walking in the door. I’m cool with that. I registered and sat between two tapes of chairs on both sides of me. Ok that’s cool. I was called back to the room in my Trump 2020 mask and the Doctors assistant loved it. Cute, younger, Trump supporter, we talked fo 10 minutes. She asked if she could remove her mask??? We Hell yes you may. She looked even prettier now. She then said she couldn’t wait to see the doctors response to my mask. He entered and laughed and I told him not to hurt me now, even worse. Lol. I didn’t have time to ask her if she wanted to get married. Ohhh well I’ll go back in three months.