68' Valiant 4 door

more progress. should be able to take it for a shake down drive this weekend :usflag: got some splash shields from DTM installed. had to redo some of the mounting holes. not a negative to DTM, these are very nice but meant to fit a lot of A bodies. adding in the amount of work that was done to get the fenders anywhere near straight, it was no big deal making a couple new holes in them.

also, not a big deal, made a bracket to keep the trans cooler lines off the center link.


and got the front end put back together woo hoo!

so a friend of mine spent, well, enough $$ for most of us to build a few cars, and had a Charger built a few years ago. he's not really a car guy, he just always wanted a Charger, and the car is sweet, and i'm glad he got what he wanted, but he didn't do a thing on it himself. just supplied the $$. and i think by not being a gear head, and not having any of his own blood in it, he missed out on the best part of these cars. the stupid joy you get making a little bracket that no one will ever see... anyway, here's his car
