Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, this has been a delightful week...not.

2 days after doing all the overhead tree trimming and moving the rock pile last Saturday, I developed wicked symptoms of BVVP (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). It’s when the balance crystals in the inner ear become dislodged giving the random sensation of suddenly falling. I probably caused it by the kind of work I was doing.

It’s been 5 days of sudden waves of losing my balance and feeling like I am falling whether sitting, standing or lying down. When it first happened I thought maybe I was having a stroke (a common description for it when it first happens).

The good news is that it is benign and can clear on its own or with certain balance maneuvers that force the crystals back to their correct place. The bad news is that I have to endure it until either corrects itself (probable) or find a way to live with it if it doesn’t (rare, but possible).

Then, tonight, a nice 3 hour a-fib event to make me feel like I have been run over by a truck.

Bad enough that my vision is still fubar and gives me nasty eye strain headaches...but this crap is starting to push me over the edge.

I could use a vacation from this crap...but wherever I go, there I am. :BangHead: