Stop in for a cup of coffee

So looks like the “Hops sample” I had ratholed for TMM is going on a bike ride. I had planned on sharing it at MITP in Minneapolis. I am to cheap to mail it so I reckon I will throw it in a bag and head to the Mopar show in Cedar Falls Iowa come August. Great excuse for a putt. And yes the dumb dog is watching the squirrels trying to figure out how to eat them. Front yard is about 600 acres of wheat. I tried to get it in The pix as it is always majestic and beautiful, with our wind up here it is truly amber waves of grain. I always love planting wheat, we rotated between wheat, corn and squash. Squash just looks like chaos but is great margin! Corn is always a throw of the dice. Wheat while low margin it just plain rocks for beauty.

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"Where is that rotten cat? I know he has thumbs. He can open that bottle for me." :lol: