Stop in for a cup of coffee

What a morning. Go to HD to bet a BBQ, find a six burner discounted so I grab it. Go start the tikey truck and the starter just keeps running with the key off? WTF ok the solenoid is sticking. Beat it a few times try it again great not sticking. Get a jump and starts, go get the BBQ and on the way home. OH yeah they called a tow truck for me at HD. Screw it I am out of here. Get over the mountain barley runs like crap. dies on the top of the mountain, **** it coast down as far as I can get to a driveway that I can get off the road, See ng what is going on now acting like no fuel or a ignition issue. In start mode it will run but dies in run position, no ballast resister and I doubt it is no gas because I filled it up yesterday. OK knock on the house door, woman calls a tow truck and it gets me home $142 later. No ide what is going on kind of thinking ignition switch type thing. Just not good now I have to screw around with it this week!