Is this a factory A/C thermostat?

Hey all, I'm in the process of reconnecting everything after rebuilding the 318LA in my 71 Scamp, and I came across this wire. It had been disconnected and a fuse was placed in both ends, then wrapped with electrical tape.KpzmcyTzTzesROpqJ6NKgw.jpg

It seems to go right to the receiver drier, and there are two terminals that seem to match perfectly at the top of it. My new receiver drier doesn't have this, but it does have a capped port that seems to allow the installation of it. Is this my A/C thermostat? I've tried doing an image search on the web, but I can't find that particular doohickey.RuIZhBBVTlyM5+ALgLYBjA.jpgfullsizeoutput_7ed.jpeg

What is this called, and why would the previous owner cap the wire end with a fuse? My guess is that they were having issues somewhere, and the fuse closes the circuit so that the system would continue working. I should note that when the car was running, the A/C would blow, but not cold at all. Heater would work, no cold air.