How old is Grandma

Man Ahoey, you're bringing back memories! My grandparents cabin had no running water and a wood burning cook stove. The "night pot", or chamber pot kept in the communal bedroom was nicknamed The Thunder Mug for the reverberation it would make with a good fart. We kept the outhouse toilet seat in the cabin during the winter time so we wouldn't freeze to the seat.

The home phone was a party line. If it rang one long and two short rings, it was for our house. Two long rings was the neighbors'. Want to make a call? Pick up the phone and listen for a dial tone. Gotta make a call, and no dial tone? Politely ask the people talking to hang up. Our black and white TV had one channel. Life was good, man. A bike, slingshot, and a fishing pole, and you were king of the world! Be home by dark...