Looking for information on the restoration of my 1968 GTS in the Ft. Meyers area, 2009 ish.

Morning all,

This time it’s not a “Wanted” listing, it’s a “Help me please” listing.

Ok, with the help of Dave @Ddaddy i was able to find the address of the selling dealer of my GTS.

I bought this car in 1980 and was the 2nd owner. Had it 17 years and sold it but now it’s back in my garage thanks to my son as a Father’s Day gift. I talked to the original owners brother since the owner had passed and he gave me the selling dealers name and city.

Now I’m looking for who did the restoration on the car. From what I can find it was done in the late 2000’s and was located in the Ft. Meyers Florida area.

It looks like it was sold on eBay but a listing was here giving a rundown on the car. Seller of Classic Cars - 1968 Dodge Dart (TURQUOISE METALLIC/BLACK)

So, help me out, ask your friends, talk to your buddy. Let me know what you know. I would like info and pictures of the restoration along with owners to add to my history of the car as it traveled the US looking for its way back home to me.

Thanks all,
Cliff Ramsdell