Which 318 should I build ?

ok go price pistons and bore and hone with a torqueplate for a 50 year old 318 unless he gets very lucky =
Gets lucky.... how...???? With what???? The above should be standard practice on any engine being rebuilt.

plus cam lifters timing chain gaskets and whatever head work he needs
btw what pistons?
who cares about 60 ft times with this project
neither of those motors are high compression 318s
if he wants to regrind the roller cam all he needs are pushrods

Your sentences seem to be out of order random thoughts on multiple engines. Focus!

Pistons for what engine? The LA? I’d do the KB’s. Fiat or domed, depends on the goal...

I got a great idea! Why don’t you help the guy build what he wants (a 318) or just hush up?