your pets.

I lost a German Shepard in 1994 and swore I’d never ever go through that again. Then December 22nd 2003 a woman was looking for a home for GS that someone dumped. I was her last attempt to home her before she went to the pound. So I took her.

She was my ride or die road dog. Went everywhere with me except work, and she went there if I had to work late.

I got married in early 2008 and my wife had a daschund that was her ride or die road dog and we had to put her down in December of 2008. Again, I said NO MORE OF THIS.

Then we rescued Chester.
And then we found Sophie the little schnauzer and brought her home. Now we had 3 rescues and my in laws had 2.

Then I found Buddy the Border Collie along side the road.

Then we found Rocky the Chihuahua in a parking lot. By that time Chester had gone so we were still at 4 dogs.

Then my German Shepard got cancer and we couldn’t save her.

Then came Roxie the little red dog, who was knocked up, living in the homeless camp across the street from where the wife worked. After she had the pups she came home.

Then we lost Sophie in April of 2017 and were we down to 3 dogs until July 3rd 2018 when we rescued Daisy, a little Jack Russell that was about 5 months old when she was attacked by a pit bull, and she was paralyzed from the middle of her back on back. And the shitty, worthless owners brought her to the vet to be put down, and of course I was at the vet when she came in. My vet refused to put her down without trying to save her. So the worthless owners signed her over to the vet. I told my vet if you can save her, the wife and I would take her.

Then Buddy died August 29th 2018. So we are back down to 3.

I’d say never again, but that would be a lie.
We are thinking seriously about getting a third dog. Sammy is 10 and healthy and Westies often live to 14 or 15 but Luna has never been alone and we don't want her to be when the inevitable happens. We're hoping we can rescue a Cairn terrier in a while to join the crew. We love the terrier personality and attitude.

We haven't lost a dog yet, Sammy being our first dog. We know from talking to friends that it is devastating. But even those friends who said "never again" have either gotten another or are about to.
