Well, sign me up for the old folks home.

A year ago this past March I was 15’ up on a ladder, leaned against a deer feeder tripod while I was changing the cable used to raise and lower the feeder. I shook everything with each rung as I climbed the ladder - solid...

Fourth and last trip to the top of the ladder, the tripod shifted, the ladder slid to the side and I had to decide to ride the ladder down and possibly land on the tripod and feeder (thoughts of being impaled were not pleasant) or jump to the side and land on my feet like I would have done when I was in my 20’s. I landed sort of sideways on my feet and smashed into the ground like a damn fool in his 60’s.

Smacked my left leg, arm and side hard. Used my arm To cradle my head (fused neck vertebrae), which placed my shoulder in a bad angle. I splatted pretty good. Damn, I hurt. It even hurt to breathe.

I checked for blood at my nose, mouth and ears - clear. While lying on the ground trying to figure out how to get up, my dog decided it was a great time to lick my face.

After about 30 minutes I was able to get in the truck and limp home. Had my wife put the electric blanket on the bed and I laid out on it like a big heating pad. Went to doc next day and he told me I got damn lucky. I didn’t feel so lucky for the next 6 months - I was finally able to work on my Barracuda again, starting about 2-4 hrs a day for the next 3 months.

My left shoulder is still not right

A big guy bat our church , retired from American air. and was climbing a tree to deer hunt ,a limb broke , he fell and broke his back and has been paralized since , terribly nice guy too !
I was up on top of an alum. 8ft ladder , the darn thing broke , I fell and landed in a lawn chair that I had just moved , no scrapes or bruises !