Anyone here have a 1975 or newer A body with N88 Speed Control / cruise control?
I just got my cruise control retro fit working, but used some unknown bracket and had to remove the washer bottle entirely. I had the additional complication of doing this on a manual car requiring an additional switch for the clutch pedal. Don't really have much to add since you are looking for OEM info and I had to make things work.
But, I do have a picture I saved from many moons ago of a cruise control mounted in an A-Body on a car that was being parted on here. Couldn't tell you who or when, I just saved it because it looked like it might have been useful while I was working on my setup. Looks like the documentation you posted, but it also is shown with the brace removed (could have been because he sold them, or could be that it wouldn't fit with the module). Either way, these are the pictures I have (not my car):