727/Bolt On Yoke Speedo help...

Hi! I'm Jeff, and I am a recovering MOPAR addict. Well, sort of.

I am currently rebuilding a 1975 Jeep DJ-5D, which has the AMC 232 motor and a variant of the 727 behind it. The guts are the same up until the output shaft. Then, it has a very short shaft, a different bearing set-up (actually held in with a snap-ring in the tail extension), and then the bolt-on yoke. I've heard rumors that this was sort of common for certain truck variants, but I am no expert on that front.

I've rebuilt everything inside the transmission except for the speedometer gear portion. I cannot seem to find the correct part numbers for any of these pieces, so I decided that in addition to prayer for Divine Intervention, I'd ask my Chrysler friends about this.

Here's a picture of what I have now:

There's a screw-on connector that goes to the speedometer, which is standard. The cable itself is a clip-in variety. The portion that goes into the transmission is 1 7/8" long, and there's three sections to it. First oil seal is half an inch from the stop, then there's a groove another half inch in for the snap ring, and then there's 7/8" until the exposed cable end.

The black housing/adapter has a seal around it, although mine is hard like Bakelite. The unit has only two ranges on it - 26-31 and 32-38. It is 1 1/2 inches deep.

Then comes a snap-ring that fits over the driven gear. Finally, the gear itself. This one (in the picture) says "37" on it but nothing more. The piece, from nose to tail, is only 1 1/2" long.

It's different than the parts for the 904 transmission - they use a red housing adapter and two clips to hold their driven gear in place. And that's where I get stuck.

All of the parts manuals talk about "long gears" and "short gears" but this one seems to be neither of them. None of my local transmission part houses (in the North Dallas Area) have anybody who knows the 727 well enough to figure out what these are. They certainly are not the standard metal screw-on housing and the long gear that's used in the standard tail extension housing.

So, has anybody out there seen these parts before? Maybe they're standard and I just don't understand how to read the parts catalogs (extremely possible)? Or maybe they are really old and I have to find replacements out there, somewhere?

At the end of the day, I need a new cable, a new gear (I am working on the correct number of teeth), and a good set of seals for the whole package, so that I don't start dripping fluid as I drive.

Thanks in advance for all of your kind help!