lifter galley crossover tube

As for that paper...I can't read it...but I do note it references 1917 in a few places, and it includes a section on 'the effect of over-oiling'. The paper I'm sure has some validity but what was 'gospel' in 1917 most likely is no longer 100% accurate a hundred years later. I attend engineering papers every year and one thing is always true - a group of engineers will present their findings, then another group of engineers will stand up and contest their findings. A paper can present meaningful data but seldom all of the data and even more seldom is it accepted as 'fact'.

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The other thing is physics doesn’t change. There is a paper...IIRC it’s DACA 49 and IIRC the year is 1920 something about carburetor function. I read it a couple times a year. The principles laid out in that paper are still true today. Nothing will change that.

Same as we are discussing here. Those may be old papers, but what they learned at those crank speeds, bearing diameters and such is still valid. As is the TIME consideration of when the oil gets to the rods and how long the rods are getting full flow, full pressure oiling.