Motoblag's '71 Duster

Every day I'm trying to do at least something in the garage related to the Duster. Today it was pulling the old fuel line out:


The evap line is proving to be a bigger challenge. I looked at the factory service manuals real close and found there should be two screws holding the shield over the evap lines:


They are in front of the panel and screw towards the back of the car. It was an adventure finding them under almost a quarter inch of road grime, dirt, tire remnants and undercoating/sealant. It's out now and the hose to it removed and blocked off so the garage hopefully won't smell like gas.

Two clips left holding in the evap line. Should be able to get that out tomorrow and work on installing the new lines. Once the lines are in I'm going to estimate how much fuel line I need, what fittings for the new electric pump etc... and make an order to get those goodies.

Saturday I also got all new hoses for the entire cooling system, they're sitting in a box for when I put the front of the motor back together. :)

(I keep hemming and hawing over mechanical pump or not - but right now the unknowns of what needs to be done to swap to timing chain, with having to install bolts or caps into the holes made for the gear drive, oil flinger, drip finger, etc... makes me want to leave it alone and go back to electric.)