Yesterday may have been the end...

Damn, I was prepping my car to come up there later this summer to race & visit some friends. I guess that "ain't" going to happen, I had on my agenda to meet Doug face to face when I was at the track.

This is sad indeed.
I wouldn't count it out just yet, after November, the ''Covid 19 crisis'' will magically disappear if you guys know what I mean...........
2021 will be a different thing, and things will get back to more normal.
It's waiting out the storm is what's the real *****.............

Thing is, Jim, there are no other options up here in this part of the country. 500 or more miles to Seattle/ Tacoma and even more down into Oregon. Montana really has no major tracks at least in the W end of the state. Boise has a track a LONG ways from up here.

Have to get up and get moving. Anaconda, Walla Walla and Renegade are the closest tracks. For now...we are still having Friday nights. Craig is just losing his *** this year. No Festival of Speed, both funny car events cancelled, no concessions/beer sales. From what I was told he is just doing what he can do keep the county from closing it...that thanks to the "pandemic" the County stopped all negotiations in regards to a long term lease. Craig is talking about next year already, or so I was told. He did tell me that he does not want to see the track go away...I really think he is just doing what he needs to do. The way he went about it is a bit questionable.
He told me he was losing, on average, $1500 or so every points race. Up to recently he owned some sort of Agriculture business....pretty sure he sold it. What he was doing was just absorbing any losses at the track into his business..and writing them off. The week that the Liquor & Cannabis board shut down the Open Road Course event he ended up having to put that days gate fees into the bank from his own account...